SiPS 2024

4 – 6 November 2024

Student and Young Professional Funding

Students and young professionals have the opportunity to apply for funding provided by the IEEE Signal Processing Society to partially support conference and travel expenses. Young Professionals are defined as those who have graduated with their first professional degree within the last 15 years. The maximum reimbursement will be US$500 for people traveling within North America and US$1000 when traveling from outside North America. The selection process will consider three criteria identified by the IEEE Signal Processing Society: excellence, gender and geographical diversity. The travel awards are specially intended for people lacking funds to attend the conference or from under-represented groups. Awards will be granted on a rolling basis with a final application deadline of 30 September, 2024.

To apply, please email Brian Telfer ( with the following information:

  • Name
  • Organization, city, country
  • Status as student or young professional (if the latter, identify the year when received your first professional degree)
  • Gender
  • A one-paragraph description of how you have demonstrated technical and/or professional excellence at your educational or career level. For students, this could include course work / grade point average, research interests and progress, papers, presentations, professional society participation. For young professionals, this could also include post-education technical contributions and team leadership.
  • A resume or CV
  • Can your conference-related expenses be covered by your organization’s funds?
  • How much funding are you requesting?
  • Letters of support from your advisor or supervisor will also be considered, although not required. Please ask that letters of support be sent to Brian Telfer at

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